Friends of the Millicent Library Bylaws
The mission of the Friends of the Millicent Library is to maintain an association of people dedicated to engaging the community to partake in the many services provided by the Millicent Library, fostering public interest in new and innovative ways that the library can enrich our lives, and to create and support learning opportunities for people of all ages.
The name of the organization shall be “Friends of the Millicent Library.”
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to maintain an association of people interested in libraries; to foster public interest and support for the library through knowledge of its services and needs; to stimulate volunteer services and gifts to the Millicent Library; and to enrich the cultural life of the community through library activities and services for the benefit of the community.
Section 2. Policy
This shall be a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-sectarian organization.
Section 1. Composition
Membership of this organization shall be open to anyone interested in its mission.
Section 2. Voting
Each membership is entitled to one vote except for family memberships, which are entitled to one vote per family member over 18 years of age.
Annual membership dues are payable in the fall. Dues shall be set by the Board. There shall be five classes of dues:
● Individual annual membership
● Family annual membership
● Corporate annual membership
● Lifetime individual membership
● Lifetime family membership
The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June. Revised: June 2023
Section 1. There shall be at least one membership meeting annually of the membership of this organization. This meeting shall be held in the fall. Two weeks prior to the annual meeting, notices shall be posted in the Millicent Library, communicated to members, and listed in the local newspaper and social media. At this meeting, the members will elect the Board.
Section 2. A majority of voting members of the Board plus two members of the organization shall constitute a quorum at the annual meeting.
Section 3. Should it be necessary to have an additional meeting to conduct business at a time other than the annual meeting, the rules of Section 2 (above) shall apply.
Section 4. At least six meetings of the Board shall be scheduled annually. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the full membership. The Board may go into executive session for discussion of a specific matter at any of its meetings only on the vote of a majority of Board members present and voting.
Section 1. Board
The Board shall consist of no fewer than five members and no more than ten.
Section 2. Officers
Recording Secretary / Clerk
Corresponding / Membership Secretary
Section 3. Election and Terms
The term of all Officers shall be two years and elected by the Board in even years at the Annual Meeting. The Board shall fill vacancies that occur between meetings.
Section 4. Duties
1. It shall be the duty of the President:
a. To preside at all general and special meetings of the Board and the organization. b. Together with the Recording Secretary, to present a report of the organization’s activities to the membership at the annual meeting for the fiscal year just
c. To be an ex-officio member of any committee of the organization except the nominating committee.
d. To be a member of the Executive Board for the succeeding term following their term of office. To have custody of the record books of the organization and to retain a copy of all reports of all committees.
Revised: June 2023
2. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to serve in the absence of the President, or in the case of a vacancy in that office, until the office is filled.
3. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary/Clerk:
a. To record the minutes of every meeting, including the number and/or names of members in attendance, and to transmit the minutes of the previous meeting; b. To have custody of the archives of the organization and from time to time transfer them to the town archives.
c. Together with the President, to present a report of the organization’s activities to the membership at the annual meeting for the fiscal year just concluded.
4. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary:
a. To be responsible for all correspondence of the organization.
b. To acknowledge all lifetime membership and gifts.
c. To welcome all new members to the organization.
d. To notify members of appointments to committees.
5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:
a. To receive all monies belonging to the organization and to give a receipt for monies received.
b. To deposit all monies in a Fairhaven bank account(s). The signature of the Treasurer shall be adequate for bank withdrawals up to $500; for larger amounts, the signature of the President is required.
c. To disburse the general funds of the organization as ordered by vote of the membership.
d. To keep a record of all receipts, expenditures, deposits, and withdrawals. All records in the custody of the treasurer shall be subject to the inspection of the membership.
e. To present a report to the membership at the annual meeting for the fiscal year just concluded.
Section 5. Term Expirations
Upon the expirations of their terms of office, officers and committee chairpersons shall turn over promptly to their successors all records, monies, bank books/statements, and other pertinent papers of the organization that they have in their possession. The term of all officers should be two years, renewable, and elected.
By-laws may be amended only by a vote of 2/3 of members present and voting at the Annual Meeting.
Revised: June 2023